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Crafting with Fire and Clay:
The Allure of Ceramic Pottery

Pottery is a kind of item, in the construction of buildings, mansions and even water troughs, household items… it has been more than 25,000 years since man invented fire and left caves and caves to build houses. to settle down. Two ways of making pottery are mentioned: classical pottery and unburnt pottery.

Handicrafts (or handicraft products) are made
entirely by hand.

* Handmade

The product is created entirely by fine
craftsmanship through the hands and artistic
mind of the artisan

* Single count

Each handicraft product has its own
nuance of each craft village and each

*Product variety

The diversity of handicrafts is reflected
in the methods and materials used to
create products

Handmade Ceramic
Making Process

The ceramic making process consists of 5 main stages…

Handmade Pottery
Production Story

In the past, pottery was made by hand with rudimentary…

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